With her advanced deep neck lift procedure, Dr. Angela Sturm can help you achieve a more youthful, contoured neck and jawline with exceptionally natural-looking results.
What Is a Deep Neck Lift?
A deep neck lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to enhance the firmness and contours of the neck, jawline, and submental area. The main thing that differentiates the procedure from a traditional neck lift is its ability to address the deeper layers of tissue and muscle. This allows Dr. Sturm to improve the underlying shape of the neck and create a more sculpted, youthful appearance. During a deep neck lift, Dr. Sturm will typically make a discrete incision beneath the chin and begin carefully adjusting the layers of skin, muscle, fat, and connective tissue.
In addition to lifting the different layers of the neck, she will remove both superficial and deep excess fat as well as any excess skin to enhance the contours of the neck and jawline. In most cases, Dr. Sturm will also tighten the neck muscles to create a firmer, more defined neck. The specifics of the procedure can vary from one patient to the next; Dr. Sturm will make whatever adjustments are necessary to give your neck a youthful, toned look and eliminate the appearance of a double chin, jowls, or turkey neck.