It takes about 7 to 14 days to recover from septorhinoplasty, depending on what you’re having done, the way your surgeon splints and tapes the nose, and other factors. As a rule of thumb, give it about 2 weeks and you’ll be just fine to go back to work.Dr Sturm Sitting in the Lobby

For my patients, I tell them it will be 10 days of recovery where they will have something on their nose. I use a metal splint for five days then I tape the nose for another five days. Any bruising and swelling that occurs from the surgery tends to resolve itself over those 10 days, so once we take off the tape on day 10, you’re able to put on makeup and return to normal activities. However, some people don’t mind going out or to work with some bruises and tape on their nose, so their recovery time is just 5 days at home with a splint.

How painful is septorhinoplasty? 

Septorhinoplasty is usually less painful than most patients think. There are actual studies examining the number of pain pills used by patients after a septorhinoplasty, and it’s typically about half the number of pills prescribed. Since you don’t move your nose much, recovery is a lot less painful than surgery on a body part that you move a lot, such as the abdomen. Most people say it feels like pressure or a sinus headache, where if you move, you can feel that pressure in your nose. The incision feels kind of stingy, like a cut, for about 24 hours, and your nose may be stuffy, like when you have a cold. These symptoms can last about a week or so, making the recovery more uncomfortable than painful. 

How do you sleep after septorhinoplasty? 

We recommend that you sleep at about a 30 to 45 degree angle using a pillow or two to keep your head above your heart. This helps the swelling go down faster and helps avoid asymmetric swelling. If you happen to roll over or you’re a die-hard side sleeper, you’ll just notice the side that you slept on is a little more swollen in the morning, but it’s not permanent. While it’s ideal to sleep on your back and keep your head elevated, I prefer that my patients get rest rather than stress over making sure they are not on their side. It doesn’t make that much difference, it just helps the healing go faster.

Have questions? I’d love to help.
Call me at (281) 336-9300

About Dr. Angela Sturm

Dr. Angela Sturm is a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon with certifications with the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery. Dr. Sturm’s meticulous nature makes for exceptional results and satisfied patients. Dr. Sturm was named Texas Monthly’s Super Doctors Rising Star in 2016-2017, Texas Monthly’s Super Doctor in 2018-2019, H Texas Magazine’s Top Doc in 2013-2018, Top Doc by Houstonia magazine in 2016-2018, Houston Business Journal’s People on the Move and 40 under 40, Blazing Star Award by Texas Women’s Chamber of Commerce, Top Women in Business, one of the Top 30 Influential Women of Houston, Best Female Cosmetic Surgeon in Out Smart, and given the Patients’ Choice Award, On Time Doctor Award and Compassionate Doctor Award by 

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